Monday, May 30, 2016

Today the students spent the start of their morning partaking in the Math in Motion!
The students do fun physical activity that are focused around the Math curriculum.
Students were split into groups in order to rehearse and then present a shape dance routine to the rest of their class.

During math the students extended their understanding of addition by solving a word problem in which the students had to count to  a specific total using machines with wheels.

The problem went as follows:

How many ways can you put 15 wheels in your yard?
(Grade twos try to find 25 wheels.)

You can choose from unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, cars, 
tractor and roller blades. 

Feel free to practice this problem at home!

Please return your field trip forms for Heritage Park 
by Monday June 6!

This Friday is a PD Day 
Enjoy your long weekend!

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