Friday, May 27, 2016

Grade 1/2 Field Trip to Heritage Park
Tuesday, June 7th

Today the medical and 'off-site' permission forms were sent home
Please return the completed forms early next week.

Thank you to the parents who have already volunteered. 
We will still require a few more adults to accompany us on our trip. 
If you can join us on this date, 
please let us know as soon as possible

All fees and transportation have been paid by the Vista Heights School Council

Image result for pizza order clipart

 The final day to order Pizza will be on Monday, May 30th at 9a.m.
Orders will not be accepted after this date.

Image result for math in motion

How can we use math in a physical education class?  

On  Friday, our students participated in their first dance session in a program called 
 "Math in Motion".

Students created shapes and patterns through dance. 

Hoe can you create a starfish?

Students created dance moves based on mathematical patterns.
Snapping, clapping, flapping & marching

The second class for grade one students will take place at 8:50  on Monday morning. 
So,please be ready to quickly join the dance program. 
Please be on time! Thank you

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