Monday, May 9, 2016

Art -  'Insect Habit'

Students have been learning to use the technique of overlapping in their drawing. Overlapping in art is the placement of objects over one another in order to create the illusion of depth.

First students practiced overlapping their hands 
by drawing them on small white boards.

Students drew their habitat for insects in pencil.

Drawing paper is taped to table tops, 
students trace over pencil drawing 
with black permanent marker.

We faintly get to add colour to ur drawings with water paint.

A few painting have been completed. 
Please check-out the following pieces of art. 

Please see our hallway bulletin board
 to view the art of all students.

Please ask your child to demonstrate the technique of 'overlapping' in their  drawing.

Students have been applying the overlappingtechnique in their Ted Harrison inspired Inuit/First Nations art project.

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