Thursday, March 17, 2016

Students do not attend school tomorrow, Friday March 18th,
as it is a CBE Professional Development day

Spring Break
March 18 - 28th

School resumes on Tuesday, March 29th

Word Study 

Students have been listening to and reading books 
which include antonyms (opposites). 

Classes have been searching for and creating their own brainstormed pairs of antonyms.

Both classes have created posters which list their pairs of opposites.
Over the break, please keep create a list at home and we add your ideas to our class posters.

Mathematics Exploration

It takes time to develop and nurture the thinking strategies that help students learn their facts. Initially, the emphasis is on development of the many relations among the facts, 
rather than speed of recall. 

One of the best ways to explore facts is in rich problem-solving situations 

Today, students used the information on the poster below to create many different ways of spending exactly 10 cents.

Students created different combinations which showed how thye could spend exactly 10 cents.

At home, children can create their own stores, set the prices 
and create combinations of numbers which equals an exact amount.

Please bring a copy of your store to school, so that others may try your challenge.

Have a fun and safe spring break!

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