Thursday, March 31, 2016


At the end of this week, a paper copy of the  April Newsletter and calendar 
will be sent home with the youngest child of your family.

If you would like to view the electronic versions, please click not the icons above

'Hot & Cold'

Students have started a new unit of study on the elements of hot and cold. They are learning that materials can change by heating or cooling and that through observing these changes, they can reason if an object is hot or cold.

With a partner, students have created a Venn poster which show their ideas on things that are always Hot or Cold.

Image result for thermometer school images

As well, students have been learning to use thermometers
to measure the temperature of air and liquids.

Where would the coldest place in your house or apartment?
Where would the hottest/ warmest place in your house or apartment?

How does your place stay warm in winter?
How does your place stay cool in summer?

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