Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Our students have shared the book 'First Day Jitters' by Julie Danneberg. 

Image result for first day jitters

This is a timely book for our students' first days of the their new school year. 
Yesterday, we compared our feelings to that of the main character Mary Jane Hartwell.  

Today, we used the book to introduce the elements of a story: Beginning - Middle - Ending
Please have your child use the following illustrations to help them retell the story. 



Surprise Ending   


During the day, students are often thirsty and need to rehydrate. In order for our students to have easy access to drinking water, your child  may bring a water bottle to school and leave it in the basket by our classroom sink. 

Every few weeks, we will be sanitizing the bottles by running them through our school dishwasher.

If your child will be staying for lunch. 
Please click on the link below to fill in an online lunch supervision form

Our Principal Mrs. Traquair's Virtue Message

 "Courtesy is being polite and having good manners.  It is a gracious way of speaking and acting 
which gives others a feeling of being valued and respected.  It is greeting others with respectful 
words or a smile.  Saying “Please”, “Thank you”, “Excuse me”, “Hello”, “Goodbye”, “You’re welcome”, shows people you respect them and care about them.  Courtesy is like a magnet.  It makes you attractive to others.  When you are courteous, you make requests instead of demands."

If you would like to peruse the 

Vista Heights School Handbook

please click on the following icon.

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