Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Today the students expanded upon their ability to add a number of animal legs together in order to reach a given total.

On Thursday the students had to think of animals and people in order to add to 10 (Grade 1) or 14 (Grade 2). The animals they thought of were dogs (4 legs), cats (4 legs), flies (6 legs) and birds (2 legs)

Today the students task was to think about the animals within the habitat of a pond and count their legs in order to make 14 (grade 1) and 20 (grade 2). The students thought of animals such as spiders, ducks, frogs, birds, mosquitos and dragonflies.

Students worked either on sheets of paper or white boards and shared their ideas on poster paper..

A special thank you to all the volunteers who attended our volunteer tea!
Thank you for all you've done!

Pizza Lunch 
Forms went home today!
Please return ASAP

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