Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Today students discussed yesterday's field trip 
and recorded and illustrated their learning experiences.

Photos from the TELUS Spark Science Center Excursion 

Students are jumping on squares which produce energy to recharge the battery

In the boiler room, we are learning about how the Center is using energy to heat and cool the building.

We are building structures which stops or allows the wind to turn the windmills.

Showing how the wind creates patterns in the grass of the prairies.

Building structures

We can use the magnetic force to create sculptures.

This flowing water is like a river with a dam which creates a reservoir.

The spinning metal plate makes the circle roll in one spot.

After we have painted on mirrors, we make an print of our design on paper.

The air is pushing up and keeping it in the air.

Students work together to create a chain of falling dominoes.

At the end of our day, we ventured outside to the Brainasium Park. 
Some students climbed to the top of the climbing mesh and slid down the long slide.


Please ask your  child to share their favorite   learning  experiences  from our trip to the 
TELUS Spark Science Center.

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