Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Signs of Spring

In our book we find out that it is spring! The forest is full of newborn animals and plants. An April shower frightens Cinnamon, her new cub, and their woodland friends. 
Solomon Raven explains the importance of spring rains for the animal and forest survival.
Students identified parts of the story that were 'part of spring'.

In our venture to Vista Heights School Peace Garden, 
students recorded their observations that were signs of spring.

Students get a close look at the Tiger Lilies that are growing by the entrance.

Buds are budding on the trees and scrubs.

When you see a robin then spring must have came.

On our grounds, lots of dandelions have popped up in the last few days.

Brendon spotted a magpie carrying a stick to a spruce tree.
What do you think that these crafty magpies are doing?

Please check out some of our creations for 'Signs of Spring'.

Check out your neighborhood and find more signs of spring
Please bring in your findings to share with your classmates.

Student Learning Conference

We look forward to meeting with you 
tomorrow (Thursday after school - 8:00)
and Friday (8:00 - 12:15)

If you haven't booked a conference, please log on to the Vista Heights website: 

and click on the Parent Teacher Conference link.  

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