Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Little Green Thumbs

This past month our classes began the process of planting various seeds for the upcoming spring season.

Here are are some of the materials that we used
peat pellets/pucks
humidity dome

Students described the planting steps starting with soaking the  peat pellets / pucks in water.

"As the peat pellet soaked up the water it  expanded"

"We placed the peat pellets into the humidity dome
Now, we wait for the seeds to grow into seedlings."

One of our class experiments seeks to solve our question...

Will our worm castings help plants grow?

Students have planted three types of beans in their Earth Boxes.
On one side we have put in soil and fertilizer 
and on the other side we have added the worm castings to the soil and fertilizer.

Over the next number of weeks, student will water and record their observations of the 
plants growing with and without the worm castings.

Students have also planted two variety of potatoes in a transparent pot 
which has one side that has only soil while the other side has soil and worm castings.

A few weeks ago, a pumpkin was donated to our class. 
Students have taken some of seeds from this pumpkin to plant in one of the large pots.

It will be exciting to make our observations over the next few weeks!

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